The love and sacrifice of dogs, teaching us love, how to live and how to let go, making us better with every experience, slowly dying due to lack of diagnosis and resources, peacefully passing away in their sleep, wagging their tail even in pain, recovering from a critical illness when we thought we were losing, playing hard even on 2 legs, telling us their every need if we missed something, and keeping us on our toes.
The love and sacrifice of our team and volunteers, being unable to meet their family, working in harsh summers and winters through puddling rain, working with a sore body and in sickness, relentlessly running round the clock, attending to every call, waking up mid night just to check, rushing for emergencies, listening to complaints from own family, being laughed at on streets, being abused on calls, being judged on make-shift arrangements, being bribed to keep a dog, being harassed by the people who worked before and changing ourselves the next moment to fill with love and treat our doggos. All this just for health and safety of our residents.
It might seem like another day, just the usual life everyone in the society faces, but what makes this life different? It is done out of selfless and unconditional love, beyond one's individual capabilities for the greater good of all. There are no working hours, no rules and no laws to get through, but every moment is a new situation to be faced, and fought for. And as of now even when we go off to sleep, there is no knowing what might happen the next moment.
We are always ready, our team, our volunteers and our doggos to be there...